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Heat Stress Training Poster

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Heat Stress is a real problem.

Protect your employees from the danger of Heat Stress with this Training Poster. Employees who are aware of the potential dangers of over exposure to heat and humidity are less likely to become a victim of Heat Stress or any associated illness. Provide your employees an easy to access and easy to understand Heat Stress in Construction Poster and get them the information they need to remain injury free. If you have employees who are at risk from Heat Stress, the Heat Stress in Construction Poster can be a vital educational tool. Our Heat Stress Training Poster and is durable, synthetic, water and tear-resistant. Heat illness is caused by doing physical work when it is hot. This makes your body temperature go up and you can overheat if you don’t take the necessary steps to cool off. Employers must provide water, rest, shade and training to protect workers. California’s heat standard protects all workers from heat –regardless of immigration status.

Cal OSHA's New Heat Stress Campaign

In 2011 Cal/OSHA is making a concerted effort to protect workers from the hazards of Heat Stress. Our Heat Stress Posters can assist employers in completing training and educational obligations required by new Cal/OSHA requirements. The Heat Stress in Construction Poster is a valuable tool which can be used as a visual tool during safety meetings to help illustrate to employees the symptoms of heat stress, how to act in an emergency and how to prevent heat stress related work injuries.

What does OSHA say about Heat Stress?

Although OSHA does not have a specific regulation covering heat stress hazards, the "General Duty Clause," Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (the Act), requires each employer to, "furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm". OSHA has previously used the General Duty Clause to cite employers that have allowed employees to be exposed to potential serious physical harm from excessively hot work environments.

Heat Stress Training Poster Includes:

  • How to identify signs of Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion
  • How to prevent incidents of Work Site Heat Stress
  • How to best deal with a Work Site emergency relating to Heat Stress
  • Steps workers and employers can take to minimize Work Site heat illness
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